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Polish Tech Night 2018
Data/Czas: 26/09/2018 - 27/09/2018 | 00:00-23:59
Lokalizacja: Silicon Allee | Chausseestraße 19 | Berlin

Czwarta edycja Polish Tech Night 2018 odbędzie się 27. września 2018 roku w berlińskim kampusie Silicone Allee. Zgłoszenia dla polskich start-upów są już dostępne na stronie wydarzenia Termin zgłoszeń upływa 15 sierpnia.


Polish startups meet German investors


For the fourth time young entrepreneurs from Poland and German investors are meeting up in the most open European city and global startup hub – Berlin. With around 500 new tech startups per year, Berlin is one of the most important digital hubs for startups. With successful infrastructure for financing and funding, numerous incubators, accelerators and co-working spaces, the city provides optimal conditions for entrepreneurs from around the world. Berlin is the perfect entrance gate to the German market for Polish startups.


Poland became in the last years Berlin’s second-largest sales market. Berlin’s closest neighbor country offers well-trained professionals, a fast-growing tech industry and startup community. Researching the Polish startup community has revealed the general rule that to function effectively in the digital economy, you have to act on a global scale. Over half of Polish startups are exporting, abroad, mainly to the US and UK, and are looking with interest at the German market.


Why to attend at Polish Tech Night?

We invite Polish startups and German investors to show potentials and mutual benefits of the German-Polish cooperation and share experience we already gained in this area. The goal of the first Polish Tech Night in 2016 was to discuss differences and commonalities between the Polish and Berlin startup scenes and to build a bridge between the two. In the second edition we found out more links between those two neighbored startup scenes and open up new opportunities of cooperations. Now Polish Tech Night is a regular event and and a bridge between Poland and Berlin.


More info>>


Źródło: Polish Tech Night 2018

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