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Data/Czas: 28/06/2020 | 00:00-23:59
Lokalizacja: Centrum Polsko-Rosyjskiego Dialogu i Porozumienia | Jasna 14/16a | Warszawa

Centrum Polsko-Rosyjskiego Dialogu i Porozumienia: International Summer School. The Second World War on trial. Perspectives of international law and historical research. We announce the next edition of the international summer school! This year’s edition, organized in cooperation with the Richard Pipes Laboratory at the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, will be dedicated to the issues of settlements with the past resulting from the Second World War from the perspective of historical research and international law. PARTICIPANTS: 20 PhD students, young researchers or people engaged in public affairs from Poland, Germany, Russia, Ukraine and Central and Eastern Europe – depending on the possibility of travel to Poland due to COVID-19 restrictions. Very good passive and active knowledge of English (official language of the School) is required.


eminent historians, international lawyers and political scientists.

lectures, case studies and workshops about the consequences of the Second World War from a historical and legal perspectives

CV and cover letter in English shall be sent to till 28 June 2020. Selected participants will be notified about the selection results to 3 July.

accommodation, meals, participation in lectures and seminars, background materials, as well as transportation from Warsaw to Masurian Lakeland and back.

up to 200 EUR transport expenditures for participants from all countries except Poland

30 August-5 September 2020, Masurian Lakeland


Centrum Polsko-Rosyjskiego Dialogu i Porozumienia

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