6 grudnia w godz. 17.30-19.00 w sali 212 w CE odbędzie się wykład otwarty dra Martina Mendelskiego pt. „Fragmented capitalism in South Eastern Europe”. The “varieties of capitalism” (VoC) literature has identified different types of capitalism for countries from Central and Eastern Europe: 1. Liberal market economies (Estonia), 2. Coordinated market economies (Slovenia), 3. Dependent market economies (Visegrad countries). This paper contributes to the VoC literature by identifying a fourth variety of capitalism for South Eastern Europe (SEE) which is termed “fragmented market economies” (FMEs).
FMEs are characterized by considerable structural fragmentation, institutional incoherence, conflicting modes of coordination (e.g. monocentricity, polycentricity, reciprocity) and various socio-economic, political and legal dysfunctionalities (e.g. high degree of institutional fragmentation, socio-economic inequality, political disunity, informal networks etc.). The author argues that the fragmented type of capitalism endures due to the presence of a “vicious reform cycle of fragmentation”, in which a fragmented structure is reproduced by disunited actors and a fragmented reform/policy process. The implication is that countries from SEE are “stuck in incoherence” and not able to develop a more functional and performant variety of capitalism. The main argument is supported in an empirical, indicator-based analysis which measures the degree of fragmentation within different societal, firm and state-related sectors on the basis of a variety of data.