Aspen Institute Central Europe invites you to the public debate titled Digital (Dis)Information Overload that will be held on September 24 in CEVRO Institute in Prague. The debate will be focused on the role of new technologies in disinformation, manipulation, propaganda and deep fake, which is a cause of growing concern of its effects on public discourse and the core values of our society. What is the digital impact on the society? How can we fight strategic misinformation and strengthen democratic discourse? Can societies and individuals foster their resilience against manipulated information? What are the recommendations for governments, technology companies and civil society?
Following speakers will come to share their experience and insights: David E. Alandete, (ES); Jamie Fly, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, President and CEO (US); Sandro Gaycken, Digital Society Institute (DE); Péter Krekó, Political Capital (HU) Institute; Megan Metzger, Global Digital Policy Incubator, Stanford University (US)
You can register here:
The debate is part of a series of conferences, seminars and workshops organized by The Aspen Institute Germany, Aspen Institute España and Aspen Institute Central Europe under the title Tech and European Society. The event is prepared in cooperation with the CEVRO Institute and the U.S. Embassy Prague.
The debate will be in English language.