Club of Warsaw – Polish-Russian Young Leaders Meeting Point. The Club is a regular meeting platform for young and dynamic people from Poland and Russia, actively involved in public affairs at national, regional and local levels. The far-reaching aim of this initiative is to establish a network of young local leaders, willing and able to build new and improve existing links between local communities of the two neighbouring countries.
diplomatic protocol training with Adam Jarczynski; masterclasses: Negotiation in Action and Public Speaking (aspects of modern negotiation theory and technique: Anchoring, Framing, Reflecting, Active Listening) with former British Ambassador, Charles Crawford, simulations game and visit in Warsaw-based think-thank.
The candidate should be under 35
She/He should deliver comprehensive CV and cover letter in English focused particularly on engagement in public affairs
Application explaining the motivation and interest in English
Moreover, the candidate should submit examples of her/his own contribution to local or regional public debates (articles, commentaries, blogs etc.)
An absolutely necessary condition is a very good, active knowledge of English which will be the official language of the Club
CV and cover letter in English with examples of one contribution to local or regional public debates (articles, commentaries, blogs etc.) shall be sent to e-mail address:
DATE AND PLACE: 29 May – 31 May 2020, Warsaw
WE COVER: accommodation, meals and training course, as well as up to 200 EUR transport expenditures for participants from Russia
APPLICATION: deadline 19 April 2020