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Data/Czas: 03/06/2020 | 16:00-17:00
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New Eastern Europe: What role does Belarus play in the Eastern Policies of Germany and Poland? (Live-streamed via Facebook and YouTube) You are invited to participate in the next debate in the framework of the project titled “Ost/Wschód: German-Polish Debates on the East”. Following our first debate on general foreign policy towards Eastern Europe, this discussion will look specifically at the country of Belarus and how Poland and Germany view their policies towards that country. Belarus plays a unique role in both countries’ policies towards the region and as a member of the Eastern Partnership is also a key state in EU foreign policy. Yet, the country’s extremely close ties with Russia make Belarus a unique case, decisively not interested in European integration and for many years considered “the last dictatorship of Europe”. However, recent developments have demonstrated a possible opening towards Europe as the regime is resisting integration with Russia, while the country’s response to COVID-19 was like no other country in Europe which may play a role in this year’s presidential election.



– Anna Maria Dyner, Analyst on Belarus, Polish Institute of International Affairs
– Ingo Petz, German journalist, expert on Belarus

The debate will be moderated by Adam Balcer, Program Director with the Jan Nowak-Jeziorański College of Eastern Europe.

Please register your participation here.

A link with the event stream details will be available shortly to all those who registered.

The debate is co-organised by the Jan Nowak Jeziorański College of Eastern Europe and the Deutsch-Russischer Austausch e.V. (DRA) and sponsored by the Heinrich Boell Foundation’s Warsaw Office as well as the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation.


New Eastern Europe

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