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Bastiaan Willems: Life and Death in East Prussia, 1944–1945
Data/Czas: 03/12/2024 | 18:00-18:00
Lokalizacja: DHI Warschau – NIH Warszawa | Al.Ujazdowskie 39 | Warszawa

DHI Warschau – NIH Warszawa: Druga wojna światowa zakończyła się 80 lat temu. Z tej okazji NIH w Warszawie organizuje serię publicznych wykładów we współpracy z Muzeum II Wojny Światowej w Gdańsku. Międzynarodowi naukowcy zaprezentują swoje badania zarówno w Warszawie, jak i w Gdańsku. Skupią się nie tylko na wydarzeniach historycznych, ale także na pytaniu, w jaki sposób bolesne doświadczenia wojenne nadal kształtują dzisiejsze społeczeństwo. Informujemy, że wykłady będą nagrywane. Uczestnictwo w wykładzie jest możliwe tylko w przypadku mailowego wysłania zgłoszenia na adres i otrzymania potwierdzenia udziału w wydarzeniu.

3.12.2024 | 18:00
Prof. Bastiaan Willems: Life and Death in East Prussia, 1944–1945 (w jęz. angielskim)
East Prussia was the first German province the Red Army reached, and the first where fighting took place. It saw battle from August 1944 until May 1945 – nine months, longer than any other German province. The dominant narrative for this era is that of the Germans’ flight and expulsion, but these months can teach us much more. Taking a more holistic approach to violence, this talk will discuss Nazi crimes perpetrated against foreign labourers and Jews, Red Army violence against civilians, violence of the German military perpetrated against its own population, and the post-war hardships faced by the remaining German population, showing how these related to each other.
Bastiaan Willems is a Lecturer in the History of War in 20th Century Europe at Lancaster University. His research examines different types of violence during the final year of the Third Reich and its immediate aftermath. He recently published Violence in Defeat: The Wehrmacht on German Soil, 1944-145 (Cambridge University Press: 2021).
1944/1945: The Ends of War in East-Central Europe
The Second World War ended around 80 years ago. To mark the occasion, the GHI Warsaw is organizing a series of public lectures in cooperation with the Museum of the Second World War in Gdansk. The international guests will present their research both in Warsaw and in Gdansk. They will address not only the historical events, but also the question of how the painful experiences during the war continue to shape society today. The lectures will be recorded. In order to participate, please register at
Lectures in Warsaw:
3.12.2024 | 18:00
Prof. Bastiaan Willems: Life and Death in East Prussia, 1944–1945 (in English)
7.01.2025 | 18:00
Prof. Benjamin Lahusen: The Administration of Normality. German Law and German Society, 1943–1948 (in English)
4.02.2025 | 18:00
Prof. Elisabeth Harvey: German Women in Occupied Poland: Comrades, Wives, Adventurers (in English)

Lectures in Gdańsk:
4.12.2024 | 17:00
Prof. Bastiaan Willems: Life and Death in East Prussia, 1944–1945 (in English)
8.01.2025 | 17:00
Prof. Benjamin Lahusen: The Administration of Normality. GermanLaw and German Society, 1943–1948 (in English)
6.02.2025 | 17:00
Prof. Elisabeth Harvey: German Women in Occupied Poland: Comrades, Wives, Adventurers (in English)

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